Whatever fear is holding you back isn’t nearly as scary as living your whole life never knowing what is possible for you…

Sometimes it will be a voice that says you aren’t good enough.‬

Sometimes it will be your heart that wants to close up, for fe‬ar of loss.

Only you will know the score between YOU and yourself.

It’s always going to be a well contested match.

That’s the point…we need a worthy opponent.
So forgive your losses quickly and look for some courage.

You don’t dig down deep and find the courage.

Our courage comes from the support we feel from others – when you feel that someone has your back, when you know that the day you admit you can’t do it, someone will be there and say “I’ve got you. You can do this.”

That’s what gives you the courage to do the difficult thing.

Funnily enough, courage does not come from running away to find yourself. It’s in front of your nose mostly, in your relationships.

We find courage in the people around us who love us and care about us and believe in us, and when we have those relationships in our lives, we can find the courage to do what we need to do.

The most amazing thing about acting with courage, is that, in turn, you will inspire someone else to follow your example.

Remember you aren’t going to win every time but you could make a difference.
It’s simply the willingness and persistence to bring love and courage to all you do – that’s all that matters.

p.s. If you’re a writer and want to find some courage, check out the writing challenge we’re running this week in Writers Ink DM me for more info!