There’s a beautiful paragraph in John O’Donohue’s book Anam Cara about perspective.

I know whenever I have had times of difficulty in my business or life, stepping outside the problem and gaining perspective is really helpful.

Remembering that we have many windows we can look out of is a brilliant reminder…
Here’s what he said: ‘There is a beautiful complexity of growth within the human soul. In order to glimpse this, it is helpful to visualize the mind as a tower of windows.

Sadly, many people remain trapped at the one window, looking out every day at the same scene in the same way.

Real growth is experienced when you draw back from that one window, turn, and walk around the inner tower of the soul and see all the different windows that await your gaze. Through these different windows, you can see new vistas of possibility, presence, and creativity.

Complacency, habit, and blindness often prevent you from feeling your life.
So much depends on the frame of vision — the window through which you look…’

Can you find more windows in your business or your life?

A different view can change everything ❤️

If you’re interested in finding more windows, drop me a message and I will add you to the waiting list for my next business mastermind group.