How can you stand out?

How can you stand out?

Being yourself is so underrated… In a world where everyone is trying to fit in and create content that ‘works’, trying to beat the algorithm, moaning about the various social media platforms and what they will and won’t let you do (anyone remember life before...
If it could have, it would have

If it could have, it would have

It’s a trap to get stuck in the ‘what could have been’. After we’ve processed the lesson, it’s important to let the story go. A lot of my coaching clients struggle to let go of the idea they were working on when faced with the reality that the business/project might...
Try again

Try again

We are never done and that is beautiful ❤️ There is no done and there are no perfect conditions. And that’s okay. Try again. And again. And again.
Look for courage

Look for courage

Whatever fear is holding you back isn’t nearly as scary as living your whole life never knowing what is possible for you… Sometimes it will be a voice that says you aren’t good enough.‬ Sometimes it will be your heart that wants to close up, for fe‬ar of loss. Only...
Change your perspective…

Change your perspective…

There’s a beautiful paragraph in John O’Donohue’s book Anam Cara about perspective. I know whenever I have had times of difficulty in my business or life, stepping outside the problem and gaining perspective is really helpful. Remembering that we have many windows we...