It’s a trap to get stuck in the ‘what could have been’.

After we’ve processed the lesson, it’s important to let the story go.

A lot of my coaching clients struggle to let go of the idea they were working on when faced with the reality that the business/project might not work in its present form. There’s no harm in admitting it’s not working.

This type of ‘what could have been’ thinking only robs us of our present experience and shuts down our ability to recognise the opportunities life is actually presenting us – NOW.
And you know, we have no idea how any other choice we made would have worked out in the end.

As the Dalai Lama says: ‘sometimes not getting what we want is a wonderful stroke of luck’.
It’s stressful wanting to be ‘there’ when we can only be ‘here’.
Get flexible with your thinking and see where that takes you.